Horoscopul zilei

(20 Ianuarie - 18 Februarie)

Spre deosebire de zilele trecute, acum chiar poti spune ca totul este in regula. Indiferent ca e vorba de rude, prieteni sau colegii de scoala, te vei simti cu adevarat respectat/a si de aceea, trebuie sa continui sa adopti aceeasi atitudine!

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Cultura generala

Pielea hipopotamului transpira un lichid rosu, uleios, care pastreaza pielea umeda si o protejeaza cand este sub apa. Lichidul a condus la mitul ca hipopotamul transpira sange.

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Bancul zilei

bulisor:tata,tie ti s-a indeplinit vreo dorinta cand erai mic?
tata:da.toti oameni ma trageau de par si visam sa fiu chel.

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Limba engleza 3-4 ore - subiect - sesiunea I proba F varianta 3

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Sesiunea iunie - iulie 2005 Varianta 3
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the text below and, in one sentence, write down its central idea: 5 points
Even among educators who worry about too much tilt1 to technology, there is growing agreement that a computer is a powerful motivator of a school-age child. Students with access to a micro spend more time studying and solving problems. Those who write at their keyboards compose more freely and revise their work more thoroughly. The kids who don't get indoctrinated to computers by seventh grade are not going to develop the same proficiency. Andrew Molnar, computer education specialist at the National Science Foundation says: "Power is not distributed evenly now, and computers will broaden that gap."
Other observers disagree, seeing instead a potential educational leveling device. "In the long run, all God's children will have computers," says Computer Consultant Charles Lecht. "Students who used to fail because they could not master geometry the first time around will be able to turn to the computer for relief. The machines will emerge as great equalizers." But the majority in the field worry about the near-term specter of the rich taking control of the technology while the poor play video games.
Steven Jobs, the 27-year-old chairman of Apple Computer, had proposed donating a free computer to every school in the country, provided Congress grant manufacturers the same tax break that would be available if they gave the equipment to a university. The companies that took advantage of the law would then have been able to do a public service, while also building future markets.
But Jobs is now backing off, unhappy with various limitations in the version of the tax break that has passed the House and is awaiting Senate action. If he were to get the bill he wants, the delivery of thousands of free machines would help to even out the inequities. "Computers will be taught in most schools eventually," says Jobs. "But that's five to ten years from now. The question is, why wait?"
(Computers and Education in Time, 1982)
1. raising slope
b. In your opinion, what are the dangers of not having a computer, either at home or at school? What consequences could it have on students' career choices, social status, etc?
Will computers broaden the gap between people or not? Write a five-paragraph essay to answer all these questions. (about 250 words / 25 lines) 25 points

SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. Translate into English: 10 points
Ti s-a intamplat vreodata sa spui lucruri de genul "Ia te uita, inseamna ca e fericita de arata asa de bine"? Ei bine, nu pacalesti pe nimeni - poate doar pe tine insati. Ori esti invidioasa, ori iti dai aere de superioritate si ai impresia ca esti mai buna decat toate. Daca te-ai analiza putin, ti-ai da seama care sunt motivele tale reale. Iar data viitoare s-ar putea sa te gandesti de doua ori inainte sa mai faci asemenea observatii.
(Cosmopolitan, 2005)
b. Rephrase the following sentences beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same:
10 points
1. I'm sure it wasn't the coffee that made you ill.
It can't ...................................................................
2. I think you'd better not take too much exercise.
If I were you.........................................................
3. It's a pity she said that to him!
I wish ................................. .
4. I like her sense of humour.
What .......................................... .
5. Please leave the classroom immediately after the bell rings.
As soon as ..........................................................
c. Complete the following sentences with a suitable word or phrase. 10 points
1. I thought this dress looked really nice in the shop, but now I wish I ........................ it.
2. I can't help admiring his honesty, though I totally ........................... his point of view.
3. Everyone .................. told to be present, ............ ?
4. It was very ............... of him to lose his temper ......... something so unimportant.
5. Let's talk this over between you and ...... , ......... we ?

SUBJECT 3 30 points
There is one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
(O. Wilde)
What are the advantages and disadvantges of being talked about?
Write a five-paragraph essay to justify your arguments. (about 300 words/ 30 lines)