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Un beat turta sta pe bordura in fata unui bar. Un strain il intreaba daca ii este rau sau daca nu se poate ridica. Beatul raspunde:
- Hei! Stii tu cine-s eu?
- Nu! Cine?
- Isus Cristos...si ti-o pot dovedi. Vino cu mine!
Intra in bar si strainul dupa el.
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- Isuse! Iar esti aici...

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Limba engleza bilingv - subiect - sesiunea I proba F varianta 3

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Bilingv - proba f

Sesiunea iunie - iulie 2005 Varianta 3
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.
SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the text below and sum it up in about 50 words: 5 points
'As far as I can see there's been no advance at all in discipline, decency, manners and morals. And do you know how I know this? Well, I'll tell you. Because I still have to use this every day.'
He brought the stick round from behind his back for the boys to have a look at.
'It's fantastic, isn't it, that in this day and age, in this superscientific, all-things-bright-andsplendiferous age, that the only way of running this school efficiently is by the rule of the cane1.
But why? There should be no need for it now. You lot have got it on a plate.
'I can understand why we had to use it back in the twenties and thirties. Those were hard times; they bred hard people, and it needed hard measures to deal with them. But those times bred people with qualities totally lacking in you people today.
They bred people with respect for a start.
We knew where we stood in those days, and even today a man will often stop me in the street and say "Hello Mr Gryce, remember me?" And we'll pass the time of day and chat, and he'll laugh about
the thrashings2 I gave him.
'But what do I get from you lot? A honk from a greasy youth behind the wheel of some big second-hand car. Or an obscene remark from a gang - after they've passed me.
'They took it then, but not now, not in this day of the common man, when every boy quotes his rights, and shoots off home for his father as soon as I look at him. No guts. No backbone. you've nothing to commend3 you whatsoever. You're just fodder4 for the mass media!'
The boys winked at each other.
'I don't know. I just don't know.'
He turned round slowly. The boys met him with serious expressions, frowning and compressing their lips as though they were trying their hardest to solve his problems.
'So for want of a better solution I continue using the cane, knowing full well that you'll be back time and time again for some more.'
(Barry Hines, Kes)
1. a long thin stick used by schoolteachers, esp. in the past, to punish children for bad behaviour
2. correction, punishment
3. to speak favourably of
4. (derog) things or people used for supplying a continuous demand of the stated kind
b. In about 250 words/ 25 lines, comment upon the text above, answering the following questions:
25 points
1. What are the main character's values and his educational methods?
2. What can you say about the pupil - teacher relationships as reflected in the text?
3. How far do you agree with the teacher in this text with regard to discipline?
SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase: 10 points
1. It's about time you ............................. with your friend.
2. We would have gone for a walk if ............... .
3. It's imperative that they ................. . .
4. By this time next year we .............. .
5. His request that ........... took us by surprise.
b. Rephrase each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same: 10 points
1. My friends will buy a new car. Then they will leave for France.
As soon as ................. .
2. She hears less and less about him every day.
The news ............. scarce every day.
3. We realized we had left him behind as soon as we set off.
No sooner ................. him behind.
4. Jack had a splitting hedache, but he still read until late.
In spite of ................ .
5. The island has no longer been a tourist attraction since the tsunami hit it.
If............................... .
c. Translate into English: 10 points
Obisnuiam sa le vindem oamenilor vise frumoase, in care sa creada, cu care sa se identifice, pentru care sa mearga si sa-si cheltuiasca banii pe produsele clientilor nostri. (.) Exista vise pe care noi le inducem oamenilor si exista vise care razbat la suprafata din adancul lor. Cu cat e mai adanc nivelul de vis cu care am lucrat, cu atat am construit un "brand believe" mai puternic. Cand am plecat, am crezut ca lucrul asta e profund imoral si am avut o problema de autoacceptare.
(Al. Raducanu, Alchimista)
SUBJECT 3 30 points
The French dramatist, Voltaire, wrote in one of his plays:
Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and need.
Write a five-paragraph opinion essay on this quotation. Support your opinions with relevant ideas and examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. Write about 300 words / 30 lines.