Horoscopul zilei

(23 Octombrie - 21 Noiembrie)


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Cultura generala

Prima carte de credit a fost emisa in anul 1951 dar abia dupa ce a aparut sistemul cu banda magnetica in 1970 a inceput sa fie folosita pe scara larga.

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Bancul zilei

Vine bianca de la scoala.a luat pimul 10 din viata ei.ii zice mamei:mama ,am luat un 1 cu un 0 in coada.mama:bv,fata mea,ala e zece!!a doua zi bianca ii face in ciuda lui georgiana shi zice:am luat 10 si tu n-ai luaaaaaaat!!georgiana:ia mai calculeaza o data: 1 la romana,4 la mate ,3 la engleza si inca un 1 la ed. tehnologica,ca face 9,fa deshteapto!

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Limba engleza minoritati - subiect - sesiunea I proba E varianta 1

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Minoritati / L3 - proba e

Sesiunea iunie - iulie 2005 Varianta 1
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.
SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the following text and write the central idea of the fragment: 10 points
All forms of life stay alive by using their natural environment. All perform activities for the purpose of using natural products for their own good. Plants absorb water and sunlight. Animals feed on plants or on other animals. Of course, to use the ready-made materials of nature is not true work; work is an activity that changes these materials from their natural state to improve their usefulness. The bird, the bee, and the spider, in building nests, hives, and webs are all working. Thus, both humans and animals work: they act upon nature to make it more suitable for their needs.
However, human work has important differences from the work of other animals. Human work is conscious, while the work of other animals is instinctual. Instinctive activities are inborn rather than learned. Instinctive activities are part of a fixed pattern. For example, it has been observed that a spider which has completed half of its web will continue to make the second half even if the first half is taken away.
b. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). On your answer sheet, write T or F next to the number indicating each sentence. 10 points
1. Natural products are used only by animals.
2. True work changes natural materials into more useful ones.
3. Human work is not different from the work of other animals.
4. Inborn activities are part of a fixed pattern.
5. The spider completes its web only if the first half is taken away.
c. Change the following sentences into questions: 10 points
1. All forms of life perform useful activities.
2. A spider can build a web.
3. Human work is different from animal work.
4. Instinctive activities are part of a fixed pattern.
5. The spider will continue to make its web.
SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. One of the underlined forms is wrong. Choose the correct form and write it on your answer sheet. 10 points
1. How many luggages / much luggage do you have?
2. My parents' house is in the countryside / at the country.
3. He was able to / was allowed to read English very well.
4. Some people know very little / a few about computers.
5. She has never / ever been to the circus before.
b. Read the dialogue below to fill in the missing information. On your answer sheet, write only the missing words next to the number indicating each blank space: 20 points
John: I'd like a table for tomorrow evening, please.
Waiter: Yes, sir. 1) .............................. ?
John: For two, please.
Waiter: 2) ................................., sir ?
John: Seven oclock.
Waiter: I'm sorry, sir. 3) ........................... no tables until eight. Would that be all right?
John: That's OK. Eight will be fine.
Waiter: 4) .............................., sir?
John: Williams, John Williams.
Waiter: Thank you, sir. 5) ........................ at eight tomorrow.
SUBJECT 3 30 points
Imagine you visited a place in your country, which you really liked. Describe it using the paragraph plan below. Write 200 - 250 words / about 25 lines.
Para 1: where the place is and why you went there
Para 2: further details about the place
Para 3: what the weather was like
Para 4: what you saw and what you did there
Para 5: how you feel about the place